There are many budding writers around us who keep creating their work. Fanfiction is also a kind of fiction by the fans. Fans write it for admiring the original work or to present it in a better way. Fanfiction is written in different ways. Sometimes the fans choose to just modify the story a bit or sometimes they add new characters to the story, or they may change the plot also to make it interesting. Generally, people or fans write the fanfiction based on their own opinion which they have formed after reading the original work. People like the fanfiction stories a lot as there is always some different twist to it. Sometimes, it also includes different stories together. At present, you will find many online websites which are famous for the fanfiction work. You cannot just read the fanfiction stories over there, but you can also write the fanfiction stories by yourself. Also very popular is the erotic fiction subgenre. Many popular adult sites including, escort sites like adultsearch and eros where users can share erotic stories in the escort near me section. There is not just one or two but there are many such fanfiction websites available over the internet, where one can read thousands of fanfiction work. If you are also someone who loves reading the fanfiction stories, then you must check out these top fanfiction websites.
The website name itself is Fanfiction, and it is one of the largest websites where you will get the fanfiction work all around the world. This website also has the largest community of fanfiction writers and readers in the world. You will get a variety of fanfiction work to read on this website. You can easily browse the kind of work you want to read. As there are many categories from which you can choose like cartoons, movies, TV Shows, books, and games, etc. One of the popular fanfiction sections of this website is Harry Potter’s segment. The only problem one may face at this website is that one may have to read some poor fanfiction work also because there is no pre-approval of content or editors to do the editing of the work. To browse this website, here is the website address,

This is another fanfiction website which is based out of Canada. On this website too, you will get a remix of fiction work from different writers. This is not just entertaining for the readers or viewers but it is also good for the writers. Because Wattpad also gives awards to writers for the best work. They have some categories of awards which they give yearly to encourage the writers to write better and also to attract more writers. You have around 70 million stories to read on this website. It is one of the fanfiction websites but you will also see other types of work over here. You can open the Wattpad website that is and can start reading from today itself.
This is one of the new websites, which allows one to publish the fanfiction work. Even after being a new fanfiction website, it has gained popularity and followers both in just limited time only. All the writers who are not getting a platform to publish their work for free, they can post it here at free of cost. And we are not just talking about posting the fanfiction work. But we are also talking about posting the original stories which people have written. They can earn a huge fanbase and followers if their writing is good. So, the next time when you plan to write an original piece of work, do not worry about where to post it, as you have Fictionesque for it. Open the website and browse both original and fanfiction work.
Some sites are great, be it about reading the fanfiction stories or it is about posting a fanfiction story, just like Quotev. Looking for fanfiction stories in a different genre? If yes, then you must check this website. It has a great collection of fan fiction stories on a different genre. The website is not just limited to posting fanfiction stories and reading them. But it also allows writers or poets to share their original stories, write-ups, and poems. For a fun fact you should also know that if you love quizzes, you will find a few of them here too.